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Vote Kennedy for President 24, or Trump in California
Team Kennedy California volunteers will continue to let voters know their options for the 2024 Presidential election in California, where Mr Kennedy remains on the ballot as an Independent candidate. Every vote in California counts!

Mission Statement
Despite suspending his campaign nationally in order to collaborate with Donald Trump as part of a unity coalition, Bobby Kennedy is expected to have his name on the ballot in approximately 40 states for the 2024 Presidential election. We are a group of California Team Kennedy volunteers and we will continue to advocate for Mr Kennedy's mission, for the 2024 election and beyond.
​On September 6 Kennedy supporters received an email issued by the Kennedy campaign that urged voters in all states to vote for Trump in order to get Kennedy into the White House this election cycle alongside Trump to fulfill the mission spelled out by the campaign. We have utmost respect for anyone that follows this guidance. We also know that Kennedy believes deeply in a true democratic process and so as a group we entrust each Kennedy supporter and volunteer, and voters at large, to make an informed decision on what feels right at a personal level. As volunteers for Team Kennedy 24 we feel compelled to continue to help voters in California understand all of their options.
We will help voters in California understand their options this election cycle. California is a non swing state, and Bobby Kennedy is on the ballot here in CA, therefore should CA voters choose to vote for Kennedy:
As a traditionally Blue state, we will not be harming the pursuit of a unity Government with former President Trump
At the national level we can honor RFK’s agreement with Trump to pursue a unity coalition for the 2024 election.
There are 2 pathways for Mr. Kennedy to achieve his rightful spot in the White House as our President:
Should neither Harris nor Trump receive the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the Presidency, the top 3 candidates will be eligible for the House of Representatives to decide upon a victor via a rare, but quite possible, process known as a contingent election.
While winning at least 5% of the popular vote nationally would not secure Mr Kennedy a win in 2024, it would set him up for an easier path to the Presidency in 2028. Mr Kennedy would be eligible for Federal funding for the 2028 election via the Presidential Election Campaign Fund and would receive an easier path to ballot access.
We aim to work towards getting Mr Kennedy in the White House this election cycle or next; letting Californians know that they do have the option to cast their vote for Bobby Kennedy as a California Independent candidate, or vote for Trump and a unity Government with Mr Kennedy by Trump's side.
Whatever happens this election cycle, we do believe that America deserves an Independent third party option. Please remember Bobby’s previous advice to vote FOR, not AGAINST a candidate.
If what RFK Jr. stands for resonates with you, vote for him, or Trump, in the 2024 Presidential election in California!