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Frequently Asked Questions

Why did Bobby Kennedy align with Trump?

Please listen to Kennedy's explanation in his own words during his address to the nation, August 23.

Is Bobby Kennedy now a Republican?

Bobby clarified to Tucker Carlson that he continues to view himself as an Independent.  He likened his collaboration with Trump to President Lincoln’s Team of Rivals.

How can I still vote for Bobby Kennedy when he paused his campaign?

Bobby Kennedy is no longer personally campaigning for President in 2024 in his own name, and is pursuing a unity coalition Government working alongside former President Trump and Tulsi Gabbard to Make America Healthy Again.  

However, his campaign is still legally active, and Kennedy is expected to appear on the ballot in approximately 40 or so non-swing states where:
a) His campaign collected enough petitions/signatures, or, was nominated by an established Independent political party, in order to attain ballot access; and 
b) The campaign has not withdrawn Mr Kennedy’s ballot access petition; and
c) The Democratic National Committee and their affiliates have not succeeded in a lawsuit to disqualify Kennedy from the ballot.  

Is my vote for Kennedy a wasted vote?

No!  In California, every vote for Kennedy makes a difference in attaining either a contingent election (a low probability but possible scenario for the 2024 Presidential election), or 5% of the popular vote nationally (entitling the Kennedy campaign to Federal funding and setting up for success in the 2028 election). Additionally, a vote for Kennedy boosts the credibility of Independent candidates for future elections at the local and national level. It’s not too late to show America that a third party option IS a viable option!

What is a contingent election?

Should neither candidate win 270 electoral votes, a contingent election will take place. In this situation, the election is decided by the (newly elected) U.S. House of Representatives, with each state delegation casting one vote. This process was last used in the 1824 presidential election. There are enough states where Bobby Kennedy would be considered the moderate candidate, that there is a good chance he could win in this scenario.

What are Bobby Kennedy's policies?

Should Kennedy win the 2024 Presidential election, he will pursue his policies as outlined on the campaign website, including, as outlined in Kennedy’s address to the nation:

  • Ending the chronic disease epidemic

  • Ending the Forever Wars

  • Protecting freedom of speech

  • Securing our borders

  • Unraveling the corporate capture and malfeasance of our regulatory and intelligence agencies.

Should former President Trump win the election, we expect he will pursue his policies as outlined in Mr Trump’s speaking engagements.  However, we applaud former President Trump for committing to an agenda to Make America Healthy Again, with help from Bobby Kennedy. 

What will Bobby Kennedy's position be in Trump’s administration, should Trump win the presidency?

We understand that details are to be finalized, but Trump has invited Bobby Kennedy (and Tulsi Gabbard) to join his Transition team.

Can I still donate to the Kennedy24 campaign?

Yes, the Kennedy24 campaign is still legally active, and has expenses, such as private security detail, maintaining the website, and more. The campaign is actively seeking and accepting donations.  Note that the Biden/Harris administration withdrew Secret Service security, once Mr, Kennedy announced the suspension of his campaign. The cost of private security is approximately $1,000,000 per month.

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